Aberash Gobena Wadari | Guji Cup Of Excellence National Select

Aberash Gobena Wadari | Guji Cup Of Excellence National Select


Aberash Gobena Wadari | Guji Cup Of Excellence National Select

Aberash Gobena Wadari’s coffee was a national jury selection at this year’s Cup of Excellence (COE) competition. Aberash is a 32-year-old farmer with 4 children, who only began farming coffee 7 years ago. Her parents were also coffee farmers, who inspired her to pursue this work. She manages a 2.5-hectare property, which is entirely planted with coffee. This natural process microlot was handpicked and dried on raised beds on Aberash’s own property, carefully supervised and sorted specifically for the COE competition.

All national jury selects were purchased by Royal (our importer) with a flat “farmgate” price of $4.50 per pound green directly to the farmers.

Reminds us of:

Region: Uraga district, Guji Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Process: Full natural and dried on raised beds

Elevation: 1900 – 2000 masl


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